Closing time?

Closing time?

Have you noticed how many mainline churches have closed their doors due to declining numbers? Older members are dying and the churches are dying right along with them. But such a fate isn’t unique to churches, no. Social service groups like Kiwanis, Lions, Shriners, Soroptimists, Rotary and others like them are really struggling, too.

For many of them it’s only a matter of time.

Although the reasons for this are many and many of those reasons are far beyond the scope of this book, I think in part it’s because both the leadership and the members of these organizations have done a poor job of maintaining our mission and vision.

While I won’t comment further on social services organizations, for churches the original intent was always to love the lord your God with ALL your heart, and soul, and strength and to love your neighbour as yourself. That’s basically it; if it’s good enough for Jesus it’s good enough for me. How we carry out this mission is similarly simple: to make disciples we need to demonstrate God’s love in action by serving the sick, caring for the orphans and widows, and helping the poor.

Posted in: Mad Money

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