Mad Money

Today We Remember

Today, we remember our long-time friend, and mentor, Armando Vacca. It’s his birthday; he would have been 59. Armando gave good gifts. Indeed, his life was a gift. We remember you. We miss you. We honour you. Armando Biagio Davide Vacca September 18, 1957 – December 28, 2015 “I have fought the good fight, I […]

M is for Money

Although part of me is reluctant to promote a book series for kids with odd product tie-ins like gift wrap festooned with “M is for Money” logos in a repeating pattern, I agree with the author’s premise that financial literacy should start young. Seriously wealthy McMaster University alumnus and philanthropist Teresa Cascioli is currently six […]

Giving back is what we’re supposed to do!

(So imagine giving more than $1 million a week) Corporate giving is down, but clearly not out. Out of this world is Macy’s who last year gave well over $1 million dollars a week ($64 million) to worthwhile charities throughout America. Moreover, they gave 155,000 in volunteer hours. That’s the magic of giving and there’s […]

What the Dickens: What Charles had to say about money (7-12)

Today is Charles Dickens’ 204th birthday and I couldn’t be prouder. (Well, I could, but…)  Nine months early (in honour of his conception) I celebrated with six of the twelve things he – through his characters – said about money. Now it’s time for #7 to 12. This wasn’t (and still obviously isn’t) my list, it’s from […]

CBC Tapestry’s crazy interview with John VanDuzer

Yesterday afternoon, radios all across Canada were tuned to CBC Tapestry and people had the pleasure of being a fly on the wall when Mary Hynes and I chatted about faith and finances. For the three people who missed the interview it’s offered up here: Still not sure if it’s worthwhile to listen? I […]

How to Bridge That Stubborn Pay Gap

I subscribe to the Sunday NY Times and love what it has to say. An article in today’s paper really stands out. Entitled “What we can do to close the pay gap,” it appears online with a different title here I’ve summarized the half-page article so that the five ways she recommends bridging the […]

Laurie’s dad’s ring that is reserved for Kelly

There’s a neighbour of mine and we talk. Her name is Laurie and we gab about kids, about work…and about money. She tells me she doesn’t have two nickels to rub together and I believe her. Recently she went to a family wedding. Her brother was there. Rich man. He saw that Laurie was wearing […]